Raising children to think critically

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Kids can change the world, so here’s how to teach them to think for themselves.

If you were ever unsure why it is important to teach 21st-century skills in STEM education, this video should convince you. Learn about the importance of teaching students to think critically from these two inspiring STEM educators.

Video length: 26:45 mins

If children are the future, then how we teach them will shape that world. But are we, as parents and teachers, raising them in the right way? As STEM skills increasingly become necessary in shaping society, a data-driven approach to education may be the only way for the future generation to change the world.

Cosmos spoke to Dr Linda McIver, executive director of Australian Data Science Education Institute and author of Raising Heretics: teaching kids to save the world, and Dr. Marissa Bond, Head of Technology and Lumination about the importance of letting our kids ask “why?”.

This briefing was created for Cosmos. Watch more briefings here.
